Nancy Schumacher and Jim Sipe receive
Outstanding Conservationist Award
Dakota County, MN – The Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) is proud to announce Nancy Schumacher and Jim Sipe as their 2023 Outstanding Conservationist.
The Dakota SWCD Board selected the Nancy and Jim as this year’s Outstanding Conservationist for implementing several land management practices including invasive species removal, establishing native prairie and oak savanna. Over the years they have allowed others to collect native seeds for establishing prairie in other locations and have been active with local pollinator organizations. Jim and Nancy have placed 42-acres of their native prairie into a Dakota County natural area easement that will protect the land and wildlife habitat for future generations.
Early in Nancy’s professional career she worked for the USDA Soil Conservation Service, now known as the Natural Resources Conservation Service, and assisted with mapping and developing the original soil survey for Stearns County.
Every year, the SWCD honors a landowner, business, or organization for their contributions to conserve or restore natural resources in Dakota County. The SWCD commends Nancy Schumacher and Jim Sipe for being leaders in conservation and supporting water quality and soil health practices.
If you would like more information on this award program or other SWCD programs and activities, you may visit www.dakotaswcd.org or contact their office at 651-480-7777.