Walk-In Access (WIA)

The Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) is working with MN Department of Natural Resources on the Walk-in Access Program. Walk-In Access (WIA) provides public recreational opportunities, such as hunting, birdwatching, nature photography and similar compatible uses, on private land that is already enrolled in existing conservation programs or lands with high quality natural cover. The WIA program is voluntary for landowners and includes financial incentives for enrolled parcels, including extra liability protection under existing recreational use laws. This program will provide increased opportunity for community engagement and connectivity with natural areas in the county, especially for those located in the greater metro area.


MnDNR Walk-In Access Program

Dakota County landowners can now apply and enroll in the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Walk-In Access Program!.

The Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) Board of Supervisors recently authorized a Joint Powers Agreement with MN Department of Natural Resources for the Walk-in Access Program at their January 2025 board meeting. That agreement has since been executed, allowing the DCSWCD to begin accepting applications for enrollment in 2025.

Walk-In Access (WIA) provides public recreational opportunities, such as hunting, birdwatching, nature photography and similar compatible uses, on private land that is already enrolled in existing conservation programs or lands with high quality natural cover. The WIA program is voluntary for landowners and includes financial incentives for enrolled parcels, including extra liability protection under existing recreational use laws. This program will provide increased opportunity for community engagement and connectivity with natural areas in the county, especially for those located in the greater metro area. More information about the WIA program, including enrollment eligibility, can be found by visiting the DNR’s website at www.dnr.state.mn.us/walkin.

The 2025 enrollment period begins on Monday, March 3rd and will close on Friday, May 2nd. For any additional information, updates, or if you are interested in enrolling land, please fill out this REQUEST FOR INFORMATION form and Alex Scurto, DCSWCD Resource Conservationist will contact you.

Contact Us Regarding Walk-In Access

Walk-In Access Request for Information

Walk-In Access Request for Information

Is/are the parcel(s) 40 acres or larger in size?
Are there any occupied buildings or active livestock stockade/corral(s) on the parcel(s)
Is/are the parcel(s) currently enrolled in an Easement Program (CRP, CREP, RIM, etc.)?


We are here to help with your land and water conservation needs.