The Dakota County SWCD’s Congregations for Clean Water program provides technical and financial assistance to churches for improving water quality and pollinator habitat.
Raingardens capture polluted runoff from parking lots and driveways where it is naturally cleansed by the soil and replenishes groundwater instead of flowing directly into our lakes, rivers and wetlands.
Congregations interested in stewardship raingarden projects may be eligible for Conservation Initiative Funding (CIF) that supports larger conservation practices on commercial or multiple properties by providing technical and cost share assistance. Depending on project ranking and the availability of funding, cost share amounts up to $25,000 may be approved to reimburse the applicant up to 75% of the actual project cost. See the Conservation Initiative Funding program information HERE.
For additional information contact Joe Barten at 651-480-7784 / Email Joe

Environmental education is important to the Dakota County Soil & Water Conservation District!
We love creative, hands-on programs that teach kids about clean water, pollinators and native plants, and how we can all have an impact on our environment! Are you a teacher, parent, or interested student? Read on for more information on some of the programs we run or participate in, for youth in Dakota County.
Click on the categories [+] below to expand and learn more about these specific areas.

A “watershed” is an area of land that all drains to the same body of water.
There are four major physical watersheds in Dakota County: the Cannon River watershed, the Vermillion River watershed, the Minnesota River watershed, and the Mississippi River watershed. The actions that you take in your yard and neighborhood will affect the river of your home watershed! For example, dirt and leaves that wash down the storm drain in front of your house will eventually be swept to that river, contributing to potential algae blooms. Native plants you add to your yard, however, will help stormwater soak into the ground and be naturally treated, preventing that possibly polluted water from ever reaching the river.
Every year, we ask residents to take just one action that will positively affect their home watershed. We bring our big clean water pledge map to events, and ask people to sign where they live, once they take the “Clean Water Pledge.”
Look for us and our map at clean water events near you!
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