We hope you enjoyed our booth in the Natural Resources Building at the Dakota County Fair. It was buzzing with information about our current incentives and services. We have something for everyone.
- Landscaping for Clean Water
- Lawns Reimagined (Pilot Program)
- Native Prairie Restoration
- Community Conservation Partnership
- Conservation Initiative Funding Program
- Citizen Conservation Stewardship Program
- Incentive Payment Practices Program
- Soil Health Incentives
- Cover Crop Incentives
- Harvestable Cover Incentives
- Irrigation Water Management
We showcased native plants with a Native Pocket Garden give away. Sara Taylor of Lakeville was the lucky winner! This year’s pocket garden consisted of Prairie Blazing Star, Prairie Dropseed, Prairie Alumroot, Golden Alexanders, and Anise Hyssop.

Children love getting their hands dirty and exploring nature. To pique their interest in gardening and native plantings we recommend the children’s book Plant a Pocket of Prairie by Phyllis Root. It is available at the Dakota County Library.

Each day two of our dedicated and knowledgeable staff members, Dave and Alex, narrated tours through the 236-acre native prairie on a tractor drawn trolley, compliments of Dakota City and their volunteers. Our thanks! We couldn’t do it without them.
The prairie, known as “Big Slough” hosts over 60 species of native wildflowers and 25 species of native prairie grasses. Walking trails meander throughout the site, weaving through scattered wood duck boxes and bluebird houses.